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350 News found Clear Filter

Canadian Sovereignty

Jack Biddell May 30, 2021 Sovereignty
By Jack Biddell, George Crowell invited me to Windsor to speak. It was a great opportunity. I met a wonderful group in that community and in Western Ontario where we have a lot of support largely due to the efforts of George. And I must add to that, the efforts of Vic Knight and his…

Quotations on the Monetary System

Comer May 28, 2021 Banking
THE INABILITY of the Colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the Prime reason for the revolutionary war. – Benjamin Franklin, “Founding Father” (1706-1796) WHEN a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they, and not the leaders of the…

COVID-19, Climate Change and the Economy

Margaret Rao May 25, 2021 Environment
By Margaret Rao, Nothing less than a global health crisis could stop us in our carbon footprint tracks and expose the (f)ailing globalized, corporate economy. The pandemic brought home just how connected and vulnerable we are to life-threatening viruses, the latest of which originated in bat populations. As humans increasingly encroach on wildlife habitats for…

Introduction to All You MUST Know About Economics

By William Henry Pope, March 1996 For the 1962 federal election the New Democrats of Calgary North wanted Bertrand Russell as their candidate in the hope of winning against the Minister of National Defence on the issue of the nuclear-armed Bomarc. While Lord Russell had better things to do, I didn’t. While I was thus…

What’s Next, COMER?

Judy Kennedy May 19, 2021 Comer, Lawsuit
By Judy Kennedy, We are at a point where a significant number of Canadians are now aware that our governments are beholden to the Kinder Morgans, the SNC-Lavalins, the Royal Banks, etc. Surprisingly, one group also under the global microscope is that of the central banks. At issue is their apparent autonomy from government oversight…

Getting COMER Insights to Ordinary People

George Crowell May 18, 2021 Comer
By George Crowell, The issue that I wish to stress is the need to communicate the insights of COMER to ordinary people. It’s essential that people at the grassroots level come to understand the potential power of monetary policy to turn our economy around. It’s not enough for politicians to know about it. It’s important…

John Hotson Vindicated

By David Gracey, 2021 At the first COMER meeting that I attended, some forty years ago, I met one of the founders, Professor John Hotson. It was there that I heard his dictum that no sovereign government should borrow from private banks when it had the option of borrowing from its own bank. This was…

The Yin and the Yang of COVID-19

Elan May 16, 2021 Health
By Élan, YIN n. (in Chinese Philosophy)1 the passive female principle of the universe contrasted with yang – origin Chinese “feminine, moon.” YANG n. (in Chinese Philosophy) the active male principle of the universe contrasted with yin – origin Chinese, “male genitals, sun.” The widespread discussion of COVID-19 reflects the Chinese Philosophy of Yin and…

The Journal of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform

Paul Hellyer May 15, 2021 Economics
By Paul Hellyer, I consider it a great honour to be asked to write a piece for the final print edition of the illustrious and incredibly useful COMER magazine, the Journal of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform. I suspect the choice was awarded on the basis of age, since I have been around…

Recognizing COMER Supporters

Comer May 12, 2021 Comer
We would like to thank past, present and future contributors who worked tirelessly on getting the COMER journal to print and also those who have managed COMER’s several websites over time: John Riddell, Larry Farquharson and Tony Koch. A warm welcome to COMER’s new website team, Darko and Drazen Dodig. We’re confident that they can…