COMER at the World Social Forum “A Better World is Possible”

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By Herb Wiseman

Through the kind efforts of Joseph, representing the International Movement for Monetary Reform, (IMMR), COMER joined with Manfred Freund of Dinero Positivo, from Spain, and Manuel Klein of Monetative, from Germany, at the World Social Forum held during August, in Montreal.

Representatives from COMER included Ann Emmett, Herb Wiseman, Margaret Rao and Judy Lewis.

The WSF did not have an overall agenda or programme. Concerned activists were able to schedule workshops and set up booths where they could distribute their materials and do presentations.

COMER participated in three workshops on the first day of the forum. The other days we attended other presentations where our members would attempt to assist other groups to understand the seminal nature of monetary reform to achieve their goals. Following is a sample of the agenda for each session which was changed for each session because of time constraints and the audience in attendance.


  • Introduction by Joseph
  • Kevin Deer – First Nations Greeting
  • Pierre Dupras – Nature of Money
  • Visual Summary by Joseph
  • Three questions, and Neoliberalism and Bad Beliefs, by Herb Wiseman
  • Manfred Freund – Where does the money come from?
  • Ann Emmett – Reasons for the COMER Lawsuit
  • Manuel Klein – Sovereign Money System
  • Results of Herb’s Three Questions

In each of the workshops Herb opened with three questions, two of which were to be answered by the audience members who placed their answers on file cards that were collected and analyzed. To set the stage for understanding the monetary problems as a part of neoliberalism, or as he termed it, the Neoliberal Age, he also asked who was born before and who after 1965 noting that those born after 1965 knew no other economic way than that of neoliberalism.

One question was the Bat and Ball problem, the next was, When people borrow money from the banks where do the banks One question was the Bat and Ball problem, the next was, When people borrow money from the banks where do the banks

There were some illustrations shown on overheads of what transpired after the mid 70s with respect to debt, deficits, income changes, etc.

Comer - COMER at the World Social Forum - A Better World is Possible

The presentations made by Manuel and Manfred were excellent and well received.

The booth allowed us to talk to people about our purpose, on a one-on-one basis. We had posters and handed out a pamphlet discussing the problem and pointing out the solution that could be made possible if we used the Bank of Canada.

We all found it well worth our time and effort. We made some connections with other people in the world and were impressed at the energy and efforts now being devoted to monetary reform around the world.

Our Comment

These contacts represent and exciting development in COMER’s operation. The group have been invited to attend an international conference on monetary reform, organized by Monetative, to be held in Berlin, this coming February. We hope to attend.

Manfred and Manuel each gave an excellent presentation, well integrated into the workshop, and stimulated good discussion.

We thoroughly enjoyed working together, and spent time over meals together, to the pleasure and benefit of all.

Joseph’s hard work in preparation and throughout the event, was deeply appreciated, and the barbeque with his charming wife and 3-month-old son in their beautifully treed backyard, a delight.

Heartfelt thanks to all for a memorable and enjoyable time together!

The calibre and dedication of such people – and they exist all over the world – and the work they are doing, inspires hope and absolutely rules out giving up. Pessimism is an excuse that we can not afford, because a better world is possible.

Ann Emmett

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