Federal Court Hearing, December 7, 2016

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On Wednesday, December 7, 2016, COMER’s appeal of the outcome of the last court hearing will be heard at the Federal Court of Appeal.

This hearing will be held in Toronto at the same Federal Court building as the previous four hearings:

180 Queen Street West

North side of the street, just west of University Avenue.

COMER’s lawyer, constitutional expert Rocco Galati, strongly recommends that we be there by 9:00 am to avoid entering late and annoying the three Federal Appeal Court Justices. The Hearing will start promptly at 9:30 am and may continue throughout the day.

The proceedings to date for this action began on December 12, 2011:

Recorded entries for the Federal Court Number T-2010-11.
Recorded entries for the Federal Court of Appeal, Court Numbers A-228-14 and A-76-16.

As we approach the last stretch of this phase of our long and expensive, historic, legal struggle, we grow ever more dependent on donations. Nearing now the possibility of getting our case at last to court, COMER’s executive is looking into the option of enlisting the help of a professional fundraiser. Meanwhile, we are still far short of what we need for the upcoming appeal.

Please help in any way you can to donate or to encourage others to donate.

Our lawsuit has done much to raise public awareness and to stimulate a keen interest in the monetary reform issue. We have been much encouraged by the growing interest among Canadians and from around the world, and the many warm messages of thanks that often include the words hope and inspiration.

There is just no way we can let people down.

What we can do to support this action:

  • Contact the media and inform them that this fifth hearing is taking place and tell them exactly where and when.
  • Encourage as many people to attend as you can – even if they are able simply to drop by for some of the time. Demonstrating an interest in the proceedings will be a valuable contribution.
  • Should the media request an interview, please refer them directly to Rocco Galati.

We are not competent to discuss the case or the hearing for it is not about the substance of our suit per se. This hearing is about our right to take our lawsuit to court. The argument will be about the law and legal precedent.

Let us make it clear that there is substantial public interest in this lawsuit, in Canada and around the world.

See you there! Please circulate this information.

Ann Emmett, Chair, COMER

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