The COMER Lawsuit is Picking Up Speed

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And so is the cost! To date, this action has cost just over $215,000.

We have been fortunate on two fronts.
First, until now, one person, Bill Krehm, has carried the cost entirely. Secondly, we have an outstanding and committed lawyer, Rocco Galati, who has, in the past, trimmed his fee to lower the cost and is presently trying to encourage “two hearings for the price of one” in upcoming round three. (That is, the government’s appeal on the latest decision, and our response to that decision.) Galati is pressing to have both heard together, before the end of the year.
Now, however, the financial burden will have to become a collective responsibility, for the government’s strategy includes dragging the matter out and making it as difficult for us as possible to carry the case forward. Of course, their coffers are forever adequate to the task, connected as they are by a hose to the public purse.
The Lawsuit has attracted keen attention at home and abroad, and has promoted our cause. Whatever the outcome, the lesson it makes clear will advance that cause.
And given that CETA1 may include a provision designed to end-run our legislation, and trade away our democratic control over the Bank of Canada, and our sovereign right to determine our own monetary policy, the COMER lawsuit is more important than ever.
Although we have not yet concentrated on the need to raise money, a wide variety of people have sent COMER donations ranging from the touching “widow’s mite,” to the most recent contribution from a Canadian living abroad, of a thousand dollars. These funds have come with expressions of thanks and enthusiasm that reflect a thirst for action that inspires hope. So far, we have collected $5,591.90. The next hearing will cost $60,000.
Please consider this a call for funds and for your fundraising expertise. We need as much support as we can now get from volunteers.
At some point, in the not too distant future, we hope to be able to afford the services of a professional fundraising organization.
Cheques should be made out to “The COMER Lawsuit” and sent to:
c/o Ann Emmett
83 Oakwood Avenue
Toronto, ON M6H 2V9
All gifts and support will be acknowledged.
Here’s to us!
Ann E
1. CETA: the Comprehensive European Trade Agreement. This is why Paul Hellyer has launched an injunction to prevent the government from signing CETA without further discussion of its contents by Canadians. Rocco Galati is representing Paul.

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